tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.
Bibliografische Information

17 x 24 cm, 118 Seiten, 1. Edition 2018
ISBN 978-3-944449-93-7 (Softcover)
ISSN 2196-6206

PDF, 118 Seiten, 1. Edition 2018
ISBN 978-3-944449-94-4 (E-Book PDF)
ISSN 2196-6206

Proceedings of the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication 2018

Volume 6

Autor(en): Angelini , Charalampidou, Closs, Engberg, Grene, St. Amant, Walsh, Zehrer
Herausgeber: European Association for Technical Communication - tekom Europe e.V.
Verlag: tcworld GmbH
  • Jahresbände & Zusammenfassungen
  • Proceedings

37,50 € (für Mitglieder 25,00 €) Softcover, 118 Seiten Status: Verfügbar

22,50 € (für Mitglieder 15,00 €) E-Book PDF, 118 Seiten Lieferzeit: 2-3 Arbeitstage Status: Verfügbar

48,75 € (für Mitglieder 32,50 €) Bundle Softcover & E-Book PDF


The sixth European Academic Colloquium (EAC) took place on April 26-27, 2018 at the University of Limerick in Ireland. For the third time, the Colloquium was integrated into the Erasmus+ project TecCOMFrame. With this year’s focus topic, 21st Century Skills for Technical Communicators, the purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for an international audience to discuss the dynamic and fast-changing challenges and potentials of the technical communication discipline. This volume will keep you up to date on the latest trends in the field.

Über das Buch

The European Academic Colloquium is an event that focuses on scientific content with respect to technical communication. It is targeted at members of the European scientific community who are teaching and doing research in the area of technical communication or related fields, such as translation, multilingual communication, localization, terminology, and information management. Since 2011, the EAC has served as a significant venue for the dissemination and sharing of technical communication research and practices in a European context.

The sixth EAC succeeded in bringing together 52 participants from 10 European countries and the USA who share a common interest in the interdisciplinary field of technical communication.

  • Rachael Hewetson: Adapting to the Future of Technical Communication
  • Kirk St. Amant: Cognitive Design Skills: Creating Materials to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Audiences
  • Sissi Closs, Jan Engberg: Flexible Information Models Based on Knowledge Frames and Topic-Based Structuring
  • Christiane Zehrer: Knowledge-Based Product Development and the Project Compass
  • Parthena Charalampidou: Mediating between Cultures in Multisemiotic Persuasive Texts: Key Competences for Website Localizers and Technical Communicators
  • Gianni Angelini: Current Practices in Web API Documentation
  • Margaret Grene: Measuring the Effectiveness of Using Plain English in Health Communication
  • Elaine Walsh: How the Skills of the 21st Century Technical Communicator Are Valuable When Designing Assessment Briefs in Higher Education