tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.
Bibliografische Information

17 x 24 cm, 84 Seiten, 1. Edition 2014
ISBN 978-3-944449-43-2 (Softcover)
ISSN 2196-6206

PDF, 84 Seiten, 1. Edition 2014
ISBN 978-3-96393-037-9 (E-Book PDF)
ISSN 2196-6206

Proceedings of the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication 2013

Volume 2

Autor(en): Cleary, Dragomirescu, Ghenghea , Lazarou , Meng , Steurs, Suojanen , Fischer
Herausgeber: European Association for Technical Communication - tekom Europe e.V.
Verlag: tcworld GmbH
  • Jahresbände & Zusammenfassungen
  • Proceedings

37,50 € (für Mitglieder 25,00 €) Softcover, 84 Seiten Status: Verfügbar

22,50 € (für Mitglieder 15,00 €) E-Book PDF, 84 Seiten Lieferzeit: 2-3 Arbeitstage Status: Verfügbar

48,75 € (für Mitglieder 32,50 €) Bundle Softcover & E-Book PDF


The second "European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication" was held in the Rhein-Main Hallen in Wiesbaden, Germany, on November 5, 2013.

The topic of the event was "Scientific Perspectives on Technical Communication ─ What is the Scientific Approach to Technical Communication of the Participating Scholars across Europe?" This volume will keep you up to date on the latest trends in the field.

Über das Buch

While the focus was mainly on sharing scientific knowledge and reporting on (ongoing) research projects, scholars were also invited to exchange ideas on the design of curricula and study programs, the mobility of scholars and students, and cooperation between universities.

Research focusing on technical communication is crucial to advancing our understanding and knowledge and to proactively preparing future-oriented development. In response to this need, tekom ─ Europe’s largest professional association for technical communication ─ has organized the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication since 2012 to encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas among members of the European scientific community who are teaching and doing research that is focused on technical communication or related fields, such as translation, multilingual communication, localization, terminology, and information management.

  • Yvonne Cleary: Practitioners' Perspectives of the Technical Communication Field in Ireland
  • Cristian Dragomirescu, Voichita Ghenghea, Elisabeth Lazarou: Technical Documentation as Part of Student Project Work
  • Michael Meng: How Helpful Are Screen Shots? A Review of Empirical Evidence and Directions for Future Research
  • Frieda Steurs: Technical Communication and the Information Challenge: ECQA Certification on Different Levels
  • Tytti Suojanen: Motivating the User
  • Sylvia Fischer: Analyses and Tests—An Innovative Approach to Comprehensible Operating Instructions